
Nutritional Wellness

Restorative Medicine & Functional Medicine located in Twin Falls, ID

Nutritional Wellness services offered in Twin Falls, ID

If you want to live a long and healthy life, it’s crucial to eat a balanced diet. Nutritional wellness can provide you with the information and tools needed to prepare healthy meals and snacks. At Genesis Restorative Medicine, restorative medicine specialist Lindsay Hubsmith, PA-C, uses nutritional wellness to help adults look and feel their best. To make an appointment, call the office in Twin Falls, Idaho, or book online today.

We offer weight loss treatment, IV therapy, and hormone replacement therapy. Call us to book your appointment today.

Nutritional Wellness Q&A

What is nutritional wellness?

Nutritional wellness focuses on the connection between the foods you eat and your general health. A growing body of research suggests that making healthy dietary choices reduces the risk of acute and chronic illness.

By eating a balanced diet that contains a mixture of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, you can age gracefully and reduce the risk of various medical issues.

Why does nutritional wellness matter?

Food is what fuels your body. The meals, snacks, and beverages you consume directly affect your energy levels, metabolism, ability to focus, and mood.

If you don’t eat enough of certain items, you might experience a nutritional deficiency. Likewise, if you only eat high-calorie foods, you might gain excess weight.

Nutritional wellness helps you find balance. It recommends snacks and meals that align with your age, health history, and medical needs. By committing to a custom nutrition plan, you can reduce the risk of chronic illness and premature death.

What happens during a nutritional wellness visit?

At Genesis Restorative Medicine, a nutritional wellness visit begins with a review of your medical records and a discussion of your lifestyle, including the type of foods you eat, how often you exercise, and if you smoke or drink alcohol.

Next, your provider performs a physical exam. They also order lab work, including blood tests and urinalysis, to determine if you have a hormonal imbalance, a nutritional deficiency, or an underlying medical issue, like high cholesterol.

After gathering the necessary insights into your health, your Genesis Restorative Medicine provider develops a custom nutritional wellness plan. That includes recommendations for meals, snacks, vitamins, and supplements.

Is nutritional wellness a solution for better health?

Yes. Enrolling in the nutritional wellness program at Genesis Restorative Medicine is one of the easiest ways to improve your health. By consuming foods that contain the vitamins and minerals you need to thrive, you can feel your best and reduce your risk of potentially serious medical issues.

During treatment, you visit Genesis Restorative Medicine about once a month. At each checkup, your provider orders lab tests and adjusts your diet and nutritional supplements as necessary.

To see if you can benefit from nutritional wellness, make an appointment at Genesis Restorative Medicine by calling the office or booking online today.